Comprehensive Fitness
For many people today (maybe you?), their lifestyle is movement-deficient. Your body needs to move regularly, to the point of exertion, to be healthy.
For many people today (maybe you?), their lifestyle is movement-deficient. Your body needs to move regularly, to the point of exertion, to be healthy.
Medicine is slowing coming around to grasp the reality that correcting bad lifestyle choices will positively affect health outcomes (and their associated ‘health care’ costs).
Vitamin D has long been known as an essential nutrient, mainly for its critical role in calcium and phosphate homeostasis. Now, more recently, vitamin D is being shown to be a significant hormone involved in many endocrine functions including the induction of cell differentiation, inhibition of cell growth, immunomodulation, and finally, regulation of other hormonal systems
The Bonfire diet style is “plant-driven” (no, that doesn’t mean vegetarian – it means plant centric). This means regularly eating large vegetable salads – they are essential to eating and being healthy. They should be eaten with lunch AND dinner.
After moving to New England, I noticed that many Haddock recipes were made with bread crumbs, so we came up with a healthy alternative. Even kids love this fish dinner! Buy and make extra for lunch (just be careful at work – having fish at work will not make friends).
It is well known that those who don’t sleep on a healthy cycle suffer from health problems due to their schedule. The way that your body cycles levels of activity throughout the day is called your circadian rhythm. Since lifestyle choices play such a large role in how your body functions, it is important to maximize your personal lifestyle habits to reflect how circadian rhythms are innately programmed.
This is such a delicious nutritious snack. It can be served warm (really good fresh out of the oven), topped with almond milk, fresh peaches, strawberries, blueberries – use your imagination!
When researchers look for the road map to success (hence the old adage “success leaves clues”), they study ‘positive deviants”‘- those characteristics or behaviors that are more likely to result in a successful outcome. Best Practices refers to the concepts or strategies common to successful results or consequences.
Flexible, forgiving, flavorful, and very nutritious – this recipe is enough to feed a family of four and leave some leftovers, which is a vital behavior!
The fact that our modern culture is terribly deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids critical structural components of our cells, and many of the body’s physiologic function is dependent upon having sufficient essential fatty acids in general and omega-3 in particular.