You can’t be healthy without being fit. Exercise to the point of exertion is where the ‘good stuff’ is found. The harder you work, the greater the benefit. To be fit, you have to move, pant and sweat. Any questions?
You can’t be healthy without being fit. Exercise to the point of exertion is where the ‘good stuff’ is found. The harder you work, the greater the benefit. To be fit, you have to move, pant and sweat. Any questions?
For some people, such as vegetarians or simply those adverse to taking fish oil, getting sufficient omega-3 can be a challenge. Some gravitate toward flax oil. However, the conversion rate for ALA found in flax oil is very low: most research puts the conversion rate around 4%. So, flax oil is not an adequate substitute for fish oil.
Seems like everyone loves Beef Stroganoff. The mustard, sour cream, onion and mushrooms all come together to create a really tasty dish.
Fat is good for you. For years fats have been at the center of nutrition confusion and bad science. You’ve been (falsely) told that all fats are bad, that they increase your chances of heart disease, that they cause cancer and promote weight gain and obesity. This is simply not true – fats are critical for health. Healthy fats that is.
Most people can tell you exactly what they don’t want or what they don’t like. They can easily describe their dissatisfaction with their current job, relationship, body, health or situation. Unfortunately for most people, they cannot so readily describe what they do want – what they would like to experience, become or create.
Most people today train or exercise with a very narrow approach to fitness. They do one thing (like running, rowing, yoga, swimming, biking, etc.) and do it repeatedly for years. There are fantastic benefits to be gained from each of these individually, but on their own will not produce a well-rounded, truly fit person.
Hormones are potent chemical agents that have the power to create sweeping changes in your physiology. Insulin is the star of the show – it not only plays the leading role in how food nourishes the cells of our bodies – it’s also one of the most powerful and significant hormones in regards to our health, period.
There is a reawakening toward the value of … nothing. Doing nothing. Rather than feeling irresponsible (and creating bad health) for not grinding it out day and night over a 60 hour work week, we are now becoming aware and engaging in the art of doing nothing. And we’re better for it.
Does your morning routine looks more like survival of the fittest and a race against the clock? This stress-filled morning fills your body with an early dose of stress hormones that push your entire physiology into the sympathetic neurological state of Fight or Flight; then sadly, many of us spend the rest of your day in this state. It’s time to take back your morning.
There are many excuses for not working out regularly: no time, no energy, no money, or all of the above. The good news: exercise is free. And, research shows that short interval, higher intensity exercise gives you better results than long, drawn-out journeys on the treadmill or punishing runs on the pavement.