Do you care?
Do you think about your health? How long you will live? What your health will be like in 10, 20, 30, 40 years? You should. Your health then is being determined now.
Read moreDo you think about your health? How long you will live? What your health will be like in 10, 20, 30, 40 years? You should. Your health then is being determined now.
Read moreDo you fear terrorism? Since 2001, on average, 1 person dies from terrorism in the U.S. per year. Obesity kills over 300,000 each year. Obesity-related conditions are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death – heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
Read moreWhen you practice gratitude, your heart is sending out health-promoting communication to your brain and body. When you take aspirin, well, don’t take aspirin (unless you want ‘internal bleeding and other side effects’).
Read moreFive Things To Start. Five Things To Stop. How to get better at life – at least the health part of it.
Read morePregnant women and moms, think of Tylenol as the ‘go-to drug’ for pain relief and treatment of fever for them and their kids. Acetaminophen can impair brain development in both fetus and child (and into adulthood).
Read moreMost of the time, taking a drug to get healthy is like taking out a loan to get rich. It’s time to ask yourself ‘Do drugs produce health, or do they manipulate physiology to appear as health?’
Read moreWho doesn’t like strawberries? Who doesn’t like popsicles? As always, we want our ‘treats & sweets’ to be healthy, right? This from Elizabeth, an amazing yogi, gardener and otherwise good-for-the-planet soul.
Read moreDon’t believe everything you read or hear about fat … or cholesterol. Without good fat, you’ll end up sick, fat and … very unhealthy. Built on bad science from the 1950’s, fat in general, and saturated fat in particular has gotten a false with causing health problems.
Read moreThe scientific journals are filled with reports of neurological issues from eating aspartame and sucralose ‘… participants had more irritable mood, exhibited more depression, and performed worse on spatial orientation tests.’ [Neurobehavioral Effects of Aspartame Consumption, Res Nurs Health. 2014 Jun; 37(3): 185–193.]
Read moreSome describe the increasing Alzheimer’s in the population as a ‘health meteor’ that’s going to strike the elderly populations of modern countries around 2025. The good news is that great information is surfacing about how to avoid Alzheimer’s disease.
Read moreYour body was not designed to have a constant food supply at arm’s reach. The ready supply of calorie-dense foods and its resulting consequence (a generally sedentary lifestyle) has led to an over-fed and under-active, over-weight and under-muscled population that is riddled with sickness and disease.
Read moreIf this is your first time hearing that grains are problematic in the human diet, then it can come as quite surprise. More than just a surprise, it can be a downright shock to the core of your “think you know what to eat to be healthy” soul.
Read moreWhether your goal is to be as healthy as possible, or avoid heart disease, reverse diabetes, lose weight, or promote health while you’re battling cancer, the answer all falls under the same heading: the healthy human lifestyle. And it’s one diet that human beings thrive on.
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